About Us
Our Mission
At BPCEC, we are committed to the WORSHIP of God via WWW, by the transforming power of God through prayer.
Our Vision
BPCEC is a congregation that seeks to:
Proclaim and practise the WORD of God faithfully, where the Word of God is faithfully proclaimed and practised by the power of the Spirit and prayer.
Perform WORKS of ministry, where the works of ministry involves every member as a servant/minister to be encouraged and equipped.
Our Belief
BPCEC is a member of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore.
As a member of the worldwide Body of Christ, BPCEC subscribes to the Apostles’ Creed, confessing our belief in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
BPCEC shares the historical and theological roots of the worldwide family of the Presbyterian and Reformed churches. As such, it subscribes to the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Our Pastoral Team

Rev Jackson Wan
Senior Minister
Jackson became a Christian when he accepted Jesus as his Saviour and Lord in 1991 as a student of Presbyterian High School. He grew spiritually while serving in the school’s Christian Fellowship and later on in Nanyang Polytechnic’s Campus Crusade for Christ (known as Cru today).
In 1997, Jackson received a call from the Lord for full-time pastoral ministry through the Bible verse James 1:18. But it would take almost 10 years of further education, National Service obligations and a secular job experience before Jackson finally found the courage and humility to respond to God’s call.
Jackson graduated from Trinity Theological College in 2009 with a Bachelor of Divinity and was ordained as a Presbyterian minister of the Word and Sacraments in 2012. In 2018, he took a sabbatical in Vancouver, Canada, and graduated from Regent College with a Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies.
Over the years, Jackson has served primarily as a pastor of the Worship Ministry, Prayer Ministry, and Young Adult Ministry, as well as school chaplain at his alma mater, Presbyterian High School. He has a passion to serve “where I can see God at work”.
In his free time, Jackson loves spending time with his family, reading, chilling out at cafés, playing on the guitar, cycling and swimming.
Jackson is married to Magdalene and they have a daughter Gwendolyn.
Our History
We began on 05 March 1978 as an English Service of Bethany Presbyterian Church (BPC) when it was located at Kim Chuan Road. It started with the aim of ministering to the young people of BPC, who were English-speaking.
Under the loving support of BPC, the English Service grew from strength to strength. In 2012, the EDC of BPC gave the blessings for the English Service to be autonomous, independently registered as a society under the Registry of Societies (ROS), and also to be a member church of the English Presbytery of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore (PCS).
Bethany Presbyterian Church English Congregation (BPCEC) was established on 29 June 2013 as an autonomous congregation under the English Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore (PCS).
Right Now
Now that BPCEC is autonomous, we are excited to witness God’s love and power at work in our midst to transform us for His service and glory (荣神益人).